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Identify ghost diff during kapp Controller reconciliation

by Rohit Aggarwal — Apr 21, 2022

kapp controller, a Package manager, is compatible with Gitops philosophy. It ensures that the cluster is or converging towards the desired state all the time. It achieve this by running the reconciliation loop after every syncPeriod duration. In each reconciliation cycle, it monitors the current state of the resources on the cluster and tries to bring it to the desired state if there is any mismatch. It does so with the help of kapp.

kapp, another carvel tool, performs a diff by comparing current state of the resource on the cluster with the desired state during a deploy or delete. If there is any mismatch, kapp deploy will try to update the resources on the cluster to bring them to the desired state. The desired state is provided via manifest. If the user wants to change the resource, they should update the manifest and redeploy using kapp. It is not a good practice to update the deployed resource directly on the cluster.

What are ghost diffs

However, sometimes some resources can get updated on the cluster by controller, operator, mutating Webhook, etc. These changes are not explicitly requested. Since these updates are dynamically added to a resource on the cluster, kapp is unaware of them. In the subsequent kapp deploy, kapp will see these updates as divergence from the desired state. Diffs arising out of it is what we call as ghost diffs. For example, based on load, HorizontalPodAutoscalar can increase the no. of replicas for a deployment. Thus your actual replicas will be different from what is specified in the deployment manifest.

Why we should avoid ghost diffs

Everytime a diff is detected, kapp redeploys the apps even though there is no need in case of ghost diffs. It also creates a new configMap to track app-change history. These configmaps store the exit status and summary of operations( e.g. no. of updated/deleted/created resources) performed in that kapp deploy. If packages create ghost diffs in the Kubernetes(K8s) cluster, we will end up with large no. of configMaps. Good news is kapp allows you to cap (default 200) the number of app-changes to be stored.

How to resolve

To avoid these diffs from appearing, users can add rebase rules to specify exactly what information to retain from current state of deployed resource. Read more about why kapp made a conscious decision to avoid basic 3 way merge here.

Detection and Resolution in Packages

Since Package consumers are aware of the Package configuration only, it becomes difficult for them to identify which part of the underlying resource configuration is causing ghost diffs.

In this blog, we will see how to identify the resources causing these diffs and also what part of their configuration is participating in it.


  • carvel tool set
  • Kubernetes cluster(I’m using minikube)

Ensure that kapp-controller is installed on your K8s cluster. Since this blog will be using HorizontalPodAutoscaler, we have to enable metrics-server on minikube.

$ minikube addons enable metrics-server
    ▪ Using image
  The 'metrics-server' addon is enabled

I will be using kctrl to interact with kapp-controller resources.

Install the Package

For the purpose of this blog, I have already created a Carvel package simple-app-package. This package is part of the package repository my-pkg-repo. If you are interested in how to create package and package repository, I would recommend to go over packaging-tutorial.

First, we need to install the package repository.

$ kctrl package repository add -r demo-pkg-repo --url
Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)

Waiting for package repository to be added

1:38:45PM: packagerepository/demo-pkg-repo ( namespace: default: Reconciling
1:38:50PM: packagerepository/demo-pkg-repo ( namespace: default: ReconcileSucceeded


Once the package repository is installed, we can check the list of available packages.

$ kctrl package available list --summary=false
Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)

Available packages in namespace 'default'

Name                 Version  Released at  1.0.0    0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC


Let’s install the package.

$ kctrl package install -i pkg-demo -p --version 1.0.0
Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)

Creating service account 'pkg-demo-default-sa'
Creating cluster admin role 'pkg-demo-default-cluster-role'
Creating cluster role binding 'pkg-demo-default-cluster-rolebinding'
Creating package install resource
Waiting for PackageInstall reconciliation for 'pkg-demo'

1:40:20PM: packageinstall/pkg-demo ( namespace: default: Reconciling
1:40:30PM: packageinstall/pkg-demo ( namespace: default: ReconcileSucceeded


After the deploy has finished, kapp-controller would have installed the package in the cluster. We can verify this by checking the pods to see that we have a workload pod running. The output should show two running pods which is part of simple-app:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
simple-app-8648457765-8jtpq   1/1     Running   0          56s
simple-app-8648457765-p5lzp   1/1     Running   0          56s

Identify ghost diffs exist or not

In our package, we have set syncPeriod to 10 min. This means after every 10 min, kapp controller will try to reconcile the package. kapp creates a configmap every time it sees that there are some resources that needs to be redeployed. Thus, if we see new configmaps appearing, it means ghost diffs are being generated. To identify the configmaps related to an installed package, we have to look at the configmap with installed package Prefix. Let’s check the configmaps.

$ kubectl get configmaps | grep pkg-demo
pkg-demo-ctrl                     1      1m40s
pkg-demo-ctrl-change-ndr7w        1      1m40s

Lets do the same after 10 min of package installation, so that reconcilliation cycle would have run once.

$ kubectl get configmaps | grep pkg-demo
pkg-demo-ctrl                     1      12m
pkg-demo-ctrl-change-ndr7w        1      12m
pkg-demo-ctrl-change-t7zgc        1      56s

We can see that one more configmap is generated. If I check the configmap content, I can see that there has been one update, but I don’t know which resource got updated and what is causing this update.

$ kubectl get configmap pkg-demo-ctrl-change-t7zgc -oyaml
apiVersion: v1
  spec: '{"startedAt":"2022-04-14T08:21:28.264641525Z","finishedAt":"2022-04-14T08:21:32.42972746Z","successful":true,"description":"update:
    Op: 0 create, 0 delete, 1 update, 0 noop, 0 exists / Wait to: 1 reconcile, 0 delete,
    0 noop","namespaces":["default"]}'
kind: ConfigMap

As a package consumer, I can see that there are ghost diff’s appearing.

Identify actual configuration causing the diffs

To identify what is causing them, we will make a copy of the package. We will modify the deploy section of the package. It will help us to get the configuration applied by kapp. Let’s start:

$ kubectl get pkg -oyaml > copy-simple-app-package.yaml

Open copy-simple-app-package.yaml. Remove labels starting with kapp. Add the below snippet to the kapp section. Setting the diff-changes to true will enable the kapp to show changes.

- kapp:
    - --diff-changes=true

I would recommend not to tinker with the original package. Hence, let’s change the package version. Lets change it from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0. Specifically, update in the spec.version and Now, apply this package in the cluster so that it will be available for install.

$ kubectl apply -f copy-simple-app-package.yaml created

Now, if we will see list of available packages, we can see our locally created package as well.

$ kctrl package available list --summary=false
Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)

Available packages in namespace 'default'

Name                 Version  Released at  1.0.0    0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC  2.0.0    0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC


Let’s update the package to the version 2.0.0

$ kctrl package installed update -i pkg-demo -p --version 2.0.0
Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)

Getting package install for 'pkg-demo'
Updating package install for 'pkg-demo'
Waiting for PackageInstall reconciliation for 'pkg-demo'

11:31:28AM: packageinstall/pkg-demo ( namespace: default: ReconcileSucceeded


After the package is deployed successfully, let’s see what the initial configuration of the resources looks like. We can get that by describing App linked to the package. Similar to configmap, the package creates App with the same name as its name. As the output is long, I have added only a small snippet.

$ kubectl describe app pkg-demo
@@ create deployment/simple-app (apps/v1) namespace: default @@
      0 + apiVersion: apps/v1
      1 + kind: Deployment
      2 + metadata:
      3 +   annotations:
      4 + |
      5 +       - origins:
      6 +         - preresolved:
      7 +             url:
      8 +         url:
      9 +   labels:
     10 + "1649925743708215040"
     11 + v1.22a4cbb25c518f776737777e8407b8d9
     12 +   name: simple-app
     13 +   namespace: default
     14 + spec:
     15 +   progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
     16 +   replicas: 2
     17 +   revisionHistoryLimit:

You will see that it is creating a deployment, service and HPA.

Let the reconciliation loop run once. After the reconcilliation loop is run, we will see that another configmap has been generated. Now, if we will run app describe again, we will see the exact diff.

$ kubectl get configmaps | grep pkg-demo
pkg-demo-ctrl                     1      12m
pkg-demo-ctrl-change-4vpdq        1      2m24s
pkg-demo-ctrl-change-rnjxf        1      12m

$ kubectl describe app pkg-demo
    Status:                         True
    Type:                           ReconcileSucceeded
  Consecutive Reconcile Successes:  2
    Exit Code:   0
    Finished:    true
    Started At:  2022-04-14T08:52:35Z
    Stdout:      Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)
@@ update deployment/simple-app (apps/v1) namespace: default @@
125,125     progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
126     -   replicas: 1
    126 +   replicas: 2
127,127     revisionHistoryLimit: 10
128,128     selector:
Namespace  Name        Kind        Conds.  Age  Op      Op st.  Wait to    Rs  Ri
default    simple-app  Deployment  2/2 t   10m  update  -       reconcile  ok  -
Op:      0 create, 0 delete, 1 update, 0 noop, 0 exists
Wait to: 1 reconcile, 0 delete, 0 noop

Here, as we can see, the change in the number of replicas has resulted in the creation of ghost diffs. This is because HPA has reduced the no. of Replicas since there is no load on the server.

Note: There is already an opened issue in kapp which will allow users to view the diff information by running app-change. Once it is available, users can directly see the diff information in the config map and they can skip the whole process of creating a new package and adding diff-changes=true to kapp.

This is how a Package consumer can discover the reason for ghost diffs and take appropriate action. In this case, adding a rebase rule will remove the ghost diffs.

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We look forward to hearing from you and hope you join us in building a strong packaging and distribution story for applications on Kubernetes!